Rainbow Baby

Why do all my friends have the best hair? There’s a definite pattern here….

Shan youtubed this hair tutorial. Doesn’t it look professionally done?! *handclap* Anyway, I’ve been to her wedding, her first baby shower and when she told me she was trying to get pregnant for a rainbow baby shoot with ME – I was over the moon. I felt so special she chose me to capture her family and the BIG NEWS.

I’ve never done a rainbow baby shoot before, but the ideas came flooding in when she officially got pregnant. I scooped up confetti in hopes of snow so the colors would show. We had some uncommonly warm days leading up to the shoot and their entire backyard was green and brown except this one spot! Can you believe this made our magical backdrop?

Some of you aren’t familiar with the term *rainbow baby* so I’ll break it down for ya. After weathering the storm (miscarrying) comes a rainbow (baby!)

Beautiful momma!

Is there really a baby in there? – Jackson

Confetti in the face